At Moths and Giraffes, we believe music is for everybody.
Since January 2020, we've written about a wide variety of music with most of our articles featuring exclusive interview material. We've written about Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees, musicians in their teens and musicians in their seventies. Artists who've toured the world, or played in your living room, or both! We've published pieces on artists across four continents, with readers spanning the globe. We've written about artists that are gender non-conforming, as well as gay and trans artists. Artists who record from their bedroom or have recorded in Abbey Road. The genres we've written about have been variations of indie, to soul, acoustic, pop, hard rock, progressive, classical, jazz and incredible forms of electronic music. We've reviewed debut singles, and an artist's twenty-sixth album. We've spoken to artists about the things that matter to them, especially their music - where it comes from, how it’s made, and why they make it.
Music is for everybody – and so is Moths and Giraffes. Come on in and find out more.

Why Moths and Giraffes? If you’re curious to learn of our origins, visit our About page below.
Where The Wild Moths Fly
And Giraffes Graze. Here you’ll find all our articles ranging from in-depth album reviews, to career retrospective pieces and extended interviews.

What They’ve Said
The artists we’ve written about have said some wonderful things about us! Read some of those quotes here.
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