Maybe you have a question, and maybe we have your answer! Check below to find out more information.
Who runs this website? Are Moths and Giraffes a team?
Although I tend to fall into using ‘we’ when writing, Moths and Giraffes is just one person. My name is Teri Woods, and I run the website and social media pages, write all the articles and interview the artists we feature.
Is this your full-time job?
No, I have a full-time job in addition to my work on this website.
Why are you qualified to write about my music?
I’ve been a passionate music fan all my life. I got my first record player in 1999 when I was just eight years old. I even made it into a local newspaper for roaming a record fair to boost my collection around that time! As a teenager I became a drummer and have played in many bands since then. I currently perform in a semi-professional covers band. During my teens I also began learning piano and studied Music at GCSE level, a Music Technology BTEC at college, with my Bachelor of Arts degree also exploring recorded music.
I’ve written and recorded my own music at home, and created a recording library of local artists in both analogue and digital formats. I’ve volunteered in recording studios, spent five years at my local Hospital Radio and three years running my own online radio show. I’m a keen supporter of music on physical formats, the deserved pay of artists, and equality within the music industry. I’ve seen over three-hundred concerts and gigs from intimate living room events to stadium performances by household names. I see music as a universe, and my joy knows no bounds in endlessly exploring it.
Do you ever write bad reviews?
Moths and Giraffes does not write bad reviews. We have a limited time to write about music, and would rather not spend it spreading negativity amongst people who’ve worked hard to create their art.
Do you numerically score the music you review?
No, Moths and Giraffes will never numerically score music. Our reviews are detailed and greatly consider the nuance of the music artists and PR agents submit. A numerical score is an easy way to reduce a complex musical experience down to a disposable figure and serves only to damage its impact.
What about genres? Is there anything you won’t write about?
Since our time is limited, we aren’t able to write about all the music artists and PR agents send us. This doesn’t mean we’re avoiding certain genres or artists. We strive to keep the variety in our website.
I want you to write about my music – what do you charge?
Moths and Giraffes does not, and will never charge an artist for a review. Charging for a review creates bias.
I’m a writer too! Can I submit a piece for Moths and Giraffes?
At this time, we aren’t taking submissions from outside writers, but we thank you for your interest.
I want to know if you’ve written about a certain artist, is there a way I can find out?
Try our search bar out below, we hope we’ve written about the artist you’re looking for!
I want to hear a sample of the artists you’ve written about – do you have a Spotify playlist?
Although we believe streaming platforms to be unethical in their treatment of artists, we do have a Spotify playlist containing one song representing each article on Moths and Giraffes.
Got a question we haven’t covered here? Visit our Contact Page.